Kublacon 2024!

 Attended my 2nd Kublacon this weekend and had a boatload of fun.

There were dealers rooms and auctions where I spent way too much money on things I probably don't need.

Boardgames, open gaming, and protospiel that took up an entire conference room and the entire hotel atrium.

Lots and lots of RPGs, including 2 conference rooms for the Pathfinder Society and Adventurers League. I didn't do much wargaming this year but I played in a lot of RPGs, all of them games I've wanted to try and GM for myself. I played Star Trek Adventures, Cyberpunk Red, and Traveller. I also sat and watched a game of Call of Cthulu because the scenario was a crossover with one of my favorite TV shows "The Shield".

Lots of mini painting activities like classes, open painting, and paint competitions

And a bunch of miniature games

This year we had a tournament for Conquest Last Argument of Kings

A Bolt Action tournament

A Star Wars Legion's Tournament

Warhammer 40k had an entire different hotel dedicated to it. I never visited that location but there was a bit of 40k being played in the Hyatt

Some Epic 40k

Warmaster, the 10mm version of WHFB

The Old World

A bit of podracing

A game based on the movie Predator




A bunch of Mortem Est Glorium

WW2 Naval wargames

This beautiful Marlboro War game using laser cut 2d wooden figures

Manny Granillo ran a Napoleonic game using his rules "Corp Command". Would you believe he built all those ships himself?

A small WW1 game

Some Battlefleet Gothic

Chuck Staedler was there again running his WW2 air combat game

And a bunch of games I didn't recognize

And finally the games I ran. I ran 2 games of Charlie Don't Surf using the same homebrewed Hue scenario for both. The first was a bit of a playtest for the second.


I had a great time and the worst part of the convention was having to leave. Luckily Pacificon is only 3-4 months away and Kublacon is doing 2 conventions a year now so I've got even more Kubla in the fall, I've already submitted my games for both conventions. Can't wait!

This years Kublacon had a Star Wars theme to it and the bar/foodstands served Star Wars themed stuff. I tried this alcoholic Blue Milk drink. Terrible stuff.


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