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9/14 SBGC Meeting and Battle Report

  Last Saturday I once again attended our monthly SBGC pow-wow where I joined Pete's "Bring Your Own Toys" ACW battle using Regimental Fire and Fury. I have played FnF before and found it confusing but this second time around was easier, and I actually do like almost everything about the rules, except for the single dice combat resolution. I felt like it made things too swingy and random. There were times on both sides were a overwhelmingly superior tactical situation still resulted in a loss due to poor rolling. This would not be a recreation of a particular battle but an opportunity for a bunch of guys to dust off their ACW minis and play a game, Pete made up a simple attack and defense scenario where the Confederates held a crossroad that the Union had to capture. It was a 3 versus 3 game and I took control of the Confederate left opposite Pete. Initially our side was eager to attack (I had command of Pickett, that means I have to charge right?), but decided against t

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